
Chemical Analysis & Profiling

It is crucial to examine and evaluate areas and materials containing toxic chemicals that are possibly harmful to citizen and our environment. This helps us ascertain if correct protocol and laws are being rendered to prevent dangerous situations in living and work spaces, and helps us in safeguard our environment. It is essential for remediation a site that earlier held, produced or stored hazardous waste collection, a detailed assessment of the potential threat to people and environment be made while acquiring this property for its re-development or change in its land-use. Haz Waste Company possess all necessary credentials and expertise to handle such jobs. Initially, a report is required to identify and assess real or potential dangers that a contaminant poses to the environment. Accordingly, a plan is drawn for removal of toxic material and rehabilitation of the site to make it innocuous for habitation.
Haz Waste Company team are experts in examining and profiling chemicals and environmental sites, and will help you design the best course of action.

3 Phases Environmental Site Assessment Services & Solution

Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) is a report that determines the environmental contamination responsibility , at real/potential property holdings. The analysis concentrates on and addresses both the underlying land and improvements made to the property. A contaminated site may be formerly used for commercial or industrial purposes, or it may be polluted by hazardous waste and require a certified treatment & reconditioning services.

Thus, EPA has devised certain standards for undertaking a Phase 1 site evaluation, and in 2013, anyone perusing protection against CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Competition & Liability Act of 1980) has to accomplish an AAI-Compliant Phase 1 ESA via ASTM Standard E1527-13.

Phase 2 assessment may be conducted for a site considered impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance, using the more comprehensive ASTM test E1903, which involves chemical analysis and profiling for hazardous substances, petroleum hydrocarbons or both. We will assist you abide by current EPA requirements and make sure that your space is safe. We are experienced in both types of assessment and have assisted many clients to successfully obtain the both.

Phase 1 Services

Phase I of ESA is considered as creating `safe harbor’ for a buyer. This is required to be performed as per specific standards of ASTM E 1527 -13. The report ascertains the probability of site contamination by hazardous materials such as hydrocarbons, pesticides, asbestos or other toxic metals.

It consists of reviewing records, inspecting the site and interviewing owners, occupant, neighbors, and local authorities workers. An environmental practitioner trained in the according to the set standards should also perform sampling and chemical analysis and profiling, though these are not necessarily included.

To review government records and interviews process takes a lot of time. So, it is advisable that you should plan ahead and be sure to assign enough time for the procedure to insure that the assessment is of the top-quality.

Phase 2 Services

Phase-II of ESA scrutiny is undertaken if Phase-I ESA report indicates contamination of the site. It entails collection of samples of soil, groundwater or building material to assess quantitative values of various contaminants.

The goal of the process which may include several field investigations and reports, plus additional research and analysis is to define the class, magnitude, and degree of the contamination for a given site. The tasks employed mostly on-site drilling, water collection, and sampling soils to a great depth, performing chemical analysis.

Phase 3 Services

While Phase-III involves intensive testing, sampling and monitoring, and design of feasibility studies for remediation. The plan drawn includes the estimated cost of clean-up and logistics.

We can help you in this complex process of preparing Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) in compliance with complex rules in place.

Haz Waste Company evaluation and assessments services & solutions are reliable thorough and surgical. We try our level best so that you can obtain the required certification.

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